Check your eyes is an eye exam that checks how well you see the details of a letter or symbol from a specific distance.
Check your eyes refers to your ability to discern the shapes,size,colours and details of the things you see.
There are several different types of visual checks, most of which are very simple. Depending on the type of test and where it’s conducted, the test can check your ability of the folowing things:
Acuity vision
Colour vision
Contrast vision
Focus vision
No risks are associated with Check your eyes app, and you don’t need any special preparation.
But you have to know it will not be alternative to ophthalmologist or to your eyes doctor.
Periksa mata Anda adalah mata ujian yang memeriksa seberapa baik Anda melihat rincian surat atau simbol dari jarak tertentu.
Periksa mata Anda mengacu pada kemampuan Anda untuk membedakan bentuk, ukuran, warna dan detail dari hal-hal yang Anda lihat.
Ada beberapa jenis pemeriksaan visual, yang sebagian besar adalah sangat sederhana. Tergantung pada jenis tes dan di mana itu dilakukan, tes dapat memeriksa kemampuan Anda dari hal-hal folowing:
visi ketajaman
penglihatan warna
visi kontras
visi fokus
Tidak ada risiko yang terkait dengan Periksa aplikasi mata Anda, dan Anda tidak memerlukan persiapan khusus.
Tapi Anda harus tahu itu tidak akan alternatif untuk dokter mata atau dokter mata Anda.
Check your eyes is an eye exam that checks how well you see the details of a letter or symbol from a specific distance.
Check your eyes refers to your ability to discern the shapes,size,colours and details of the things you see.
There are several different types of visual checks, most of which are very simple. Depending on the type of test and where it’s conducted, the test can check your ability of the folowing things:
Acuity vision
Colour vision
Contrast vision
Focus vision
No risks are associated with Check your eyes app, and you don’t need any special preparation.
But you have to know it will not be alternative to ophthalmologist or to your eyes doctor.